Our Board of Directors is a dynamic team of community members who volunteer their time and expertise to develop quality early childhood education in our community. According to the Head Start Program Performance Standards, our Board must always include the following members:
Our Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss issues pertinent to the program and actively participates in strategic planning for the entire agency.
Our Policy Council holds equal power to the Board of Directors, and it’s made up of elected parent representatives from each classroom. The primary purpose of the Policy Council is to assist in making important decisions regarding policies, hiring and termination of employees, curriculum, and budget decisions. Policy Council members are both the voice of the classroom parents at the monthly Policy Council Meeting and the voice of Policy Council when reporting back to their Parent Committees. Policy Council members have a broader involvement in the education of all Head Start children. Members play a role in building relationships between Head Start and the community in which we all live.
Our Management diligently oversees all operations of Head Start related to the children and families we serve in our community.